This eLearning program instructs learners on the functionalities and navigation of the PReventive Organization Management System (PROMIS). During the training, a digital host will guide learners through every phase of the eLearning. Interactive activities include real-life case scenarios and a simulated database where learners practice entering and tracking data throughout the life of a case. Before attending this eLearning, learners must complete an online pre-test.
Who Should Attend?
A learning program for all non-managerial Prevention agency staff and ACS staff who utilize the PROMIS application.
Course Benefits
Learners will:
- Demonstrate how to use the main windows and screens.
- Identify the purpose and required documentation needed for specified meetings, services
and clearances. - Describe Group Attachment Based Intervention (GABI) referral tracking process requirements.
- Generate PROMIS reports.
Course Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Course Components
Once enrolled in the course, learners will complete:
- An online pre-test.
- A 65-minute eLearning course.
- An online post-test.
Completion of all components is necessary to receive a Certificate of Completion.
Continuing Education Units
There are no CEUs associated with this course.
Register for this course by logging in to Cornerstone, browse for the course name and complete all information. For more information about the ACS Workforce Institute, please contact the Help Desk at or call (212) 748-1898.