Supporting Knowledge Into Practice (SKIP)

Supporting Knowledge into Practice

In the Spring of 2018, ACS Workforce Institute launched the Supporting Knowledge Into Practice (SKIP) Initiative in collaboration with the ACS Division of Child Protection (DCP). Through the placement of coaches in DCP borough offices, this initiative provides targeted skills practice and performance support to supervisors and their units. This transfer of learning is measured through observations, skills assessments and survey instruments. ACS Workforce Institute uses a strengths-based learning culture to support aims to support supervisors and managers direct service staff in to use coaching as part of supervision to support the transfer of learning of three critical skill areas. best practices and reinforce a strengths-based, learning culture. The goal is to ensure that staff have the support and resources they need to positively engage and collaborate with families, building on their strengths to keep their children safe.

The three critical skill areas are:

  • Building the coaching competency of supervisors and managers
  • Building strengths-based engagement skills among direct service staff, primarily through motivational interviewing principles and skills
  • Strengthening risk and safety assessment skills and decision-making among direct service staff.

This transfer of learning is measured through observations, skills assessments and survey instruments.


Transfer Of Learning